I often feel as though life can be comparable to a box of crayons. I’m not talking the MEGA PACK of 64 crayon boxes or the 3 crayons you used to get at a restaurant as a kid, but I’m talking about your traditional 24 box of crayons.

Well first, every box comes completely perfect. All 24 crayons are perfectly placed in the order they should be and each sharpened to be presented in its best possible condition. All of the colors are correctly placed next to one another. The box is generic and slapped with a label on the front.

As a child, the label they slapped on the front of your box was “boy” or “girl”. That was the first form of identification that anyone had. Nobody knew what was inside of the box, the imagination that the box held, the potential, or even the creativity. All they knew of you was your label.

Each crayon represents a different emotion in your life. For example, the yellow crayon could be your happiness, green crayon could be your motivation, blue crayon can be your sadness, grey crayon could be your tiredness, purple crayon could be your work ethic, red crayon could be your heart and so on and so forth. It’s how your thoughts and mind function.

Throughout the years of your childhood, each crayon in the box gets taken out and put in a new place. I consider this to be when you experience something new, it affects you differently and moves you to a different side of the box or your life. Whether it is a good or bad experience, it impacts the box overall on some type of measure.

Some of the crayons experience a rougher lifestyle than others, this is comparable to your emotions. As you can see, some people may appear to be happier people, but have a short temper. Other people may not do well under stress, but are very easy going. You wouldn’t realize it until the crayons have been used.

Crayons can break. Crayons can be lost. Crayons can be used up until nothing is left. Crayons can be kept perfect. Crayons can be flawless. Crayons can never be used and never experience anything.

What’s your box of crayons like?



  1. Devon says:

    My box of crayons has a few shades of blue that have been well used but never worn down. My shades of yellow happiness and crazy party colors of hot pink, lime green and flashing gold combine often to produce short nubs of my personality, with a long grey crayon to follow them. Black crayons fill the corners, not for evil but structure.


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